Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Chocolate City

No, this isn't about DC.

I was asked to participate in the first of a series of specialized events that are a departure from the Atlanta Underground Market events.  They will be focused on a specific food or ingredient.  This first one?  Chocolate.  Chokolade.  Chocolat.  

So now I'm trying to come up with a few - probably 3 - creative and adventurous chocolate-inspired sweet treats.  I'm mulling over a few ideas and how to fancy them up to my liking but I think I've settled on onechocolate stout cake topped with chocolate covered bacon.  Eh?  Beer + bacon = a guy's cupcake?  I'm sure I can find some testers at work.  Salty and sweet can be a great combination if done right.

Having the freedom to come up with new recipes is exciting and I can't wait to see what the other vendors come with.  I want to see what savory creations will be shared.  

The Chocolate Salon is June 11th at the Sweet Auburn Curb Market from 7-9:30pm.  There will be free beer and wine pairings as well.  Come out and support great local food!

I leave you with a jam that was resurrected for me by a friend earlier and is stuck in my head.  What happened to Busta Bust?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Untitled is Fantastic

To know me is to know I love hip hop.  Love.  The classic stuff.  The non-simplified, dime-a-dozen radio crap.  The original goodness.  The pioneers and trailblazers.  I don't believe Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, and the rest of the get-along gang embody hip-hop.  Rap artists, sure.  Commercial, absolutely.  Hit-makers, so says Billboard.  But that's about it in my most humblestest of opinions.  The sad thing is, too many do not know there is a difference.  There are those out to appreciate and cultivate the art and not just out to make a quick dollar over an over-used beat.

With all that said, James Dewitt Yancey is one of the best talents, if not The best, to ever grace this genre.  I was a late bloomer with J Dilla but a lover nonetheless.  His human soul left this earth way too soon (J Dilla bio) but his energy and legacy long remains.  He created some of my most favorite beats and produced some classic albums in the hip-hop and R&B world.  Being discovered and rediscovered over and over again.

His talent and pure genius inspired Miguel Atwood-Ferguson along with Carlos Nino along with a 60 piece orchestra to pay the most moving tributes I've ever heard.  They interpreted Jay's beats into raw emotion that overwhelms me.  Suite for Ma Dukes was created in honor of James for his mother.  Their take on Untitled/Fantastic is my favorite track from this composition (along with one of my favorite Slum Village tracks).  It is full of love and gives me chills with each listen.  Whenever things get crazy in the day-to-day lately, I stop and listen.  Whether you are a fan of James Yancey or not, this must be shared.  <3  Dilla Lives.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Barking Dogs

Nope, not the furry kind.

The size 7 1/2s attached to my ankles.  

They've got a muzzle on for now but I need to find a few pairs of comfy shoes for the long hours of standing in the kitchen.   I acquired (begrudgingly) a pair the somewhat cuter ballet slipper style.  They are definitely comfortable and better than plain socks or bare feet.  But I'm wondering if there's anything better out there?

Any suggestions, blogger world?  What keeps your feet and  back supported?  I'm not trying to have the back of my legs look like the highway map of the USA.  No thank you, varicose veins.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Atlanta Underground Market

This Saturday, March 26th, is the 2nd Atlanta Underground Market.  It is a new, sort of grass-roots event, started by a recent San Francisco transplant.  It basically allows the foodies/home cooks to bring their goods out in a new platform and gauge public interest.  As a patron, you get to try out some unique and delicious food. 

I participated in the inaugural event last month as a first-time-ever vendor and had a fantastic time meeting new people and being able to take my eats to the public.  The interest was so high for the the first one (over 1,000 people attending!) that she held auditions for vendors.  Thankfully, I'm in!  Coming back with 4 flavors this time and a better perspective going in.  

Two flavors I will be taking (and auditioned with) are After Hours - a dark chocolate/red wine concoction.  And Panamà - a coconut cream/mango beauty.  Come out and enjoy some great eats!

Make sure you sign up at the site so you can receive notification on where the event will be.  Since it's a "private" event, not knowing where each one will be until the day before it what creates excitement around it.

Atlanta Underground Market

Monday, March 21, 2011

Mic check 1-2, 1-2

Hello to you and yours.  Testing out this blogging bit.  This has been in the background of my mind for years and finally getting around to creating one.  This blog will be centered around my caking adventures and opportunities, some recipes and tips I've learned over the years and also my love for classic and current hiphop.  (read: no Little Wayne or anything on the radio today).  There may be a bit of my random ramblings sprinkled in here and there as well.

I have been dabbling in cake decorating since 2002 when I took my first Wilton class with a friend.  At the time I was trying to do more for myself and rediscover what I loved and wanted to do.  I took the class and was instantly hooked.  I had always loved to bake and this encouraged me to really perfect my baking.  A pretty looking cake is lost if it doesn't taste good.  I took a couple of more classes but then realized I wasn't too keen on the Wilton methods (or style) and started learning other techniques by joining online cake art communities, watching videos and buying books.  I would still love to take some classes with a few of the "greats" - especially the local one, Nicholas Lodge.   But for now, I will continue to perfect when I have the opportunity and start steering this ship in the direction I want it to go.  My own "style" tends to be less traditional, more artsy...clean lines...bold but not overly mod with understated elegance.

I've done a few weddings over the years and everything in between.  Today, cupcakes are still all the rage, so I will flow with it for now.  I love being able to do more when it comes to flavor combos with cupcakes.  So, right now, cupcakes rule everything around me. 

Dolla dolla bill y'all.